What Is a Macchiato? Ways to Make It and More

Oct 27th 2022 - Monica Cunanan

What Is a Macchiato? Ways to Make It and More

For even the most experienced coffee drinkers, understanding how different types of coffee vary can be difficult. This article reviews the key differences and similarities between cappuccinos, lattes, and macchiatos.

What is a Macchiato?

A macchiato is a popular coffee drink that is primarily made from espresso and milk. An espresso coffee drink, topped with a small amount of foam or steam allows the taste of espresso to still be present.

It is sometimes known as an espresso macchiato or a caffè macchiato. "Macchiato" literally translates into "marked" in Italian. This is the mark left by the milk added to the dark, rich coffee. The milk added to macchiatos is just enough to give the drink a lighter color.

Since macchiatos are primarily made from espresso, it provides an alternative to classic coffee for those who want a strong flavor hit with a touch of creaminess from the spot of milk. Most countries use the term "Macchiatos" but if you're trying to order it in Portugal, you might want to ask for "Café Pingado," which means "drip coffee"

Macchiato, Latte, and Cappuccino

Ratio of Milk

  • Cappuccino is also made from espresso and foam milk but a macchiato has less than 1 ounce of foamy milk, compared to the cappuccinos which typically contain between 2 and 3 ounces of frothy milk.
  • Lattes are also made with espresso and foam, but again, the difference is in the ratio of the ingredients.
  • Cappuccinos are equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam; lattes are primarily steamed milk with a shot of espresso added, and a macchiato is mostly espresso with a small amount of steamed milk foam.

Alternative to Dairy Milk

  • Of course, many coffee shops now offer the choice of substituting cow's milk with almond milk, oats, soya, or macadamia nut milk if you want to avoid drinking dairy products.

(See More: Types of Milk You Need To Try)

Milk Froth

  • Macchiatos come in two varieties: A café (espresso) macchiato is traditionally made with coffee and steamed or frothed dairy product
  • Latte is typically made with coffee and steaming or frothing dairy products.
  • Both types are usually served without stirring.

Popular Macchiato Drinks

  • A popular way to serve macchiato is with caramel. Caramels are used to mark the top of drinks above the foam.
  • Some coffee shops offer their own unique twists to flavored macchiatos. Some coffee shops even add vanilla syrup to their caramel lattes

Did You Know: Starbucks' caramel macchiatos are actually lattes. They contain a greater proportion of steamed milk than espresso, and the caramel sauce is added to the drink as well as dripped on the surface.

Caffeine Content: Which is Stronger?

  • Macchiatos are strong coffee and they are usually stronger than lattes because they're made mostly of espresso while lattes are made mostly of milk.
  • A macchiato is stronger than a cappuccino because it contains more espresso than a caffè latte.

See More: When is Coffee Too Much?

Of course, the strength of your macchiatos depends on the size of the cup they're served in. The larger the cup, the more espresso it has and the stronger it will taste. Adding syrup to your cup of coffee (like in a caramel macchia­to) won't change how strong your macchia­to is because the volume of coffee stays the same, but it will surely increase the sugar intake and calories.

History of the Macchiato

Early Invention

Macchiato was invented in Italy where baristas wanted to create a coffee drink that would be different from regular espresso. Baristas were trying to tell the waiters which coffees had been made using a small amount of cream so they could be distinguished from the ones that didn't contain any cream.


Macchiato means "stain" or "mark". It comes from the Italian word for "stained" or "marred." When you add a splash of skimmed milk to an espresso, the ideal surface becomes slightly rough, and the coffee ripples, so this name sounds good.

Macchiatos at Present

Nowadays, coffee shop chains and restaurants are always trying to diversify their menu options and products. Because of this, the traditional macchiato has evolved over time.

  • A traditional macchiato has an equal ratio of coffee and milk; however, a latte macchiato has a greater proportion of milk than coffee.
  • Flavored syrups such as caramel, hazelnut, and more, are added to give the traditional blend a twist.

How is a Macchiato Made?

If you're a coffee lover, then you should be paying close attention to details when it comes to preparing the coffee of your choice.

  • To get a perfect macchiato, you need to know exactly how much espresso to use for each shot.
  • Be careful when splashing cream to pure espresso because too much added would result in a latte or a cappuccino.

When making macchiato, keep in mind that you should be preserving the strong flavor of the espresso while subtly adding a touch of sweetness with a drop of cream.

Some baristas may choose to add a thin layer of foam, but some will use a micro foamed milk, which has been very meticulously crafted.

Making a Macchiato at Home

You'll need some basic kitchen tools to create your own macchiatos.

  • Here's what you'll need: an espresso machine, a grinder, and a milkshake maker. Next, you'll need your coffee and milk. Since the coffee is mostly espresso, you need to make sure you have a good selection of ground coffee you like.
  • To get the best results when making cappuccino, fill the jug to about a centimeter above the spigot. Then pour the hot water into the jug until it reaches the desired level. Add a spoonful of the foamy mixture to your coffee mug.

Regardless of whether you're making your own macchiatos at your kitchen counter or ordering them from a local café, the most important thing is that you enjoy what you drink. Don't be concerned with what's traditional or right. Brew what you like and enjoy what you brew.

ProTips: Ordering a Macchiato

Now that you've learned what's in a macchiato and what makes it one, how can you order it at a coffee shop? Here are a few key tips:

  • If you're looking for a traditional macchiato made with just an espresso and a small quantity of foam, it is suggested to stick with ordering a macchiato—no further instruction is needed. (Unless you'd like to specify your coffee order.)
  • You can experiment to see if the coffee tastes better when it has milk added to it by always ordering different varieties of Macchiato
  • If you want to sweeten up your coffee, you can ask for it to be marked with syrup, such as caramel or vanilla. You can order this drink by asking for a “caramel mocha” or a ” vanilla mocha,” for instance.