Commercial Induction Griddles

Commercial Induction Griddles

Commercial Induction Griddles

Grill up the best-selling burgers and other breakfast dishes on a superior induction griddle

Add induction-ready cookware to the operation to create a safe and healthy environment for the staff and customers! The induction griddle’s popularity skyrocketed because it offers a superior induction technology that allows the user to cook rapidly fast. With this feature, the induction griddle satisfactorily minimizes the carbon footprint produced in the commercial kitchen even it increases its productivity and output. Since this is a flameless technology as well, it saves the staff from burn-related injuries. All the induction griddle we supply are powered by electricity.

Unlike other electric griddles, this commercial griddle instantly heats the cooking plate through magnetic induction. The flat-top cooking plate available for the induction griddle comes in different thicknesses and sizes. Stainless steel is the preferred material choice as it boasts long-term durability and resistance to various detrimental elements. But other brand uses a ceramic griddle plate because they offer better resistance to corrosion and various types of chemicals. Other materials used are determined by the brand.

There are two model units available for the induction griddles – countertop and drop-in. Save quality floor space by adding a countertop griddle. For front-of-the-house applications, the drop-in griddle is a must-have! With its flat design, it can easily mount on any countertops. Every food recipe has a unique cooking temperature requirement. Meeting this wouldn’t be a problem as the induction griddle feature a single or multiple real-time control system. To learn more about our offerings, browse our catalog now!