Starting a Restaurant with a Low Budget

Jun 27th 2016 - Guest Blog, 

Starting a Restaurant with a Low Budget

Many people dream of starting their own restaurant, but their dreams are often made difficult to achieve by an inadequate budget. If you find yourself in a similar situation, you might be wondering what you can do about it. Well, you can still pursue your dream with a little planning and a lot of determination.

Now, starting any business without much capital to invest is no easy task, so you must mentally prepare yourself for the challenges and roadblocks you will likely face. For the best chance of success, you must buy locally, choose your location carefully, and hire selectively. No matter how discouraged or overwhelmed you feel, you must never give up on your goals.

Buy Local

When you are on a tight budget, you can’t afford to be careless with your spending. Inability to manage your finances will quickly result in failure and discouragement. Many people opt to use the internet to buy from vendors around the world. This might be the cheapest option up front, but it prevents you from building your network and earning loyalty discounts.

On the other hand, buying your supplies from a local vendor enables you to avoid shipping costs and to receive loyal customer discounts. In fact, your vendors might return the favor and come to your restaurant for dinner. When you are first getting started, a few loyal customers could mean the difference between success and going out of business.


If you want your restaurant to thrive and be successful, you must take the time to plan your location properly. Choosing the wrong location can be an expensive and costly mistake, but the right location can greatly enhance the profitability of your business. Now, you might feel tempted to buy any vacant building in town, but his could be a mistake.

Any building in a high-traffic business district will come with a high price tag. This can be profitable if you can afford it. However, when you are on a tight budget, your best option is to find a place just outside of down. These locations will have less competition, and they are usually cheaper than buildings in town.

Hire Selectively

The hiring decisions you make play a vital role in the success or failure of your business. Making the wrong choices can cause your business to fail, but smart hiring decisions can enhance the profitability, productivity, and efficiency of your business. You must consider whom to hire and when to hire them. You are likely unable to afford to hire enough people to fill all positions, so you must be selective. If you can do a job on your own, then do it.

This will be time-consuming, but it will help prevent you from exceeding your budget. When you do hire people, interview them carefully and ensure they are motivated and dependable. Hiring the wrong people is worse than not hiring anyone. If you notice an employee is not performing as expected, you can try coaching them. If they are unresponsive to coaching, you must consider firing them.


When you don’t have much of a budget to spare, buying expensive television ads is likely out of the question, but you will need to get the word out about your new restaurant if you want people to come through your doors. Many small companies have had great success with social media marketing.

To get started, set up several social media accounts to represent your business and run a few paid advertising campaigns. Offer discounts to those who interact with and share your page. If you do this properly, your number of followers will start to increase, giving you greater exposure.

Final Thoughts

You can get your own restaurant up and running if you have a limited budget. Chasing your dreams and pursuing your goals won’t always be simple or easy, but if you remain dedicated and stay on track, you will achieve success and reach your goals. If you can’t afford to buy a building in town, find a cheaper alternative. When first starting your business, don’t hire any more people than required to keep your business running smoothly. Most of all, you must maintain a positive mindset and take proactive steps to avoid discouragement.