Butter Spreaders
Butter Spreaders
Roll out the butter evenly on the bread without waste using a reliable butter roller
Convenient and time-saver, the butter spreaders feature a modern design to ensure the equal and consistent application of butter. The butter spreaders we carry boasts durability and style. Its long-lasting durability comes from the metal used for its construction. Aside from durability, metal is known for its reliable resistance to corrosion and daily aggressive use. There are two styles available – manual and electric. The manual butter spreader is constructed with a pan and a roller. The pan has a wide rectangular opening and spacious interior. While the roller is designed with perforations. The main advantage of this design is to ensure even and consistent spreading of butter. But it is also handy when the roller scoops too much butter. The perforations will allow the butter to fall back on the bottom side of the roller.
Another design available for the manual butter spreader is constructed with an enclosed butter chamber and a solid roller. The chamber includes a cover to protect the butter against contamination. With the smooth surface of the roller, it is assured to provide an equal coating of butter per bread. The manual butter spreader works by placing it on top of the commercial grill for the butter to melt. If there’s no available space on the grill, the electric butter roller is the best style to get! It shares the same design with the manual model units. Its only difference is it must stay connected to its correct voltage for the butter to melt.
To know more about our offers, visit our catalog now! All the features included are determined by the brand.