Malt Cups

Malt Cups

Malt Cups

Create frozen beverages with malt cups

Professionally prepare milkshakes and other frozen drinks using milkshake cups! Malt cups are essential tools in creating cold or frozen beverages. Commonly made of stainless steel, malt cups ensure drinks are served chilled to customers. Simply mix ingredients in stainless steel malt cups before pouring them into individual serving cups. Our selection of malt cups comes in different capacities. We have small to large malt cups to accommodate various drink sizes.

Our selection of malt cups also includes milkshake cup collars. Unlike traditional malt cups, they allow mixing and preparation of milkshakes in serving cups. Just insert the collar into the serving cup before preparing and carefully remove once done. It saves staff time and effort! Not to mention, it improves the turnaround time of orders. Check our catalog to see our complete offerings of malt cups.