How to Properly Use a Rice Cooker — Proper  Ratios , rinsing and more

Jun 29th 2022 - Monica Cunanan

How to Properly Use a Rice Cooker — Proper Ratios , rinsing and more

Rice is a staple ingredient in many healthy dinner recipes for its convenience, affordability, and ease of preparation. It’s a great base for delicious meals that can easily be prepared ahead of time. Because of this, rice cookers are becoming a staple to many household kitchens due to their use for cooking rice because they're easy to use.

A rice cooker is an appliance used for cooking rice and other grains. Then use boiling water to cook the rice, which is then absorbed by the rice until it becomes soft. In a commercial kitchen setting, automatic rice cookers free up your employees' time so they can focus on other tasks. They would not need to worry about a rice cook­er boiling over or scorching either.

Steps on How to Make Rice in a Rice Cooker

To make the perfect rice in a rice cook­er, use the provided plastic cup to pour the rice into the cooker until the rice reaches the appropriate level.

Step 1: Measure. Using the cup that comes with your slow cooker, measure out your dry rice into a colander.

Step 2: Rinse. Run the rice under running water to rinse depending.

Step 3: Put the rice into the rice cooker.

Step 4: Add enough water so that it matches the line of measuring cups. If you measure 4 cups of rice, then you want the water to be at the 4th line on the rice cooker.

Step 5: Make sure the rice cooker setting is set to match the type of rice you're using and set it for cooking.

Step 6: Wait for it to cook.

Step 7: When done, the rice cooker will either beep or signal light. For fluffier rice, try tapping the inside of the rice cooker with a rubber spatula.

Step 8: Serve the rice along with other dishes.

Step 9: Refrigerate. Store any leftover ingredients in the fridge for up to 4 days for easy meal prep.

(See More: Fried Rice Recipes)

So How Much Water for 1 Cup of Rice?

Rice Cooker Ratio.

These are general guidelines to help you determine how much grain to use for 1 cup of dry grains. The water to rice ratio represents the perfect amount of liquid needed to cook 1 cup of rice. There are different ratios for each kinds of rice. Refer to the rice package instructions to determine the optimal quantity of water needed for that particular type of rice.

  • Long grain white rice - 1 cup rice + 1 3/4 cups water = 1:1.75 ratio
  • Medium grain white rice - 1 cup rice + 1 1/2 cups water = 1:1.5 ratio
  • Short grain white rice - 1 cup rice + 1 1/2 cups water = 1:1.5 ratio
  • Long grain brown rice - 1 cup rice + 2 1/4 cups water = 1:2.25 ratio
  • Parboiled rice - 1 cup rice + 2 cups water = 1:2 ratio
  • Basmati or Jasmine rice - 1 cup rice + 1 1/2 cup of water = 1:1.5 ratio
  • Quinoa - 1 cup quinoa + 2 cups water = 1:2 ratio

Pro-tip: Check the manual for the rice cooker to find the appropriate rice to water ratio for the machine.

Tips & Tricks when Cooking Rice

Rinsing Rice

To make fluffy rice, you should rinse the rice before cooking it. This additional step can help you avoid unwanted stickier texture.

Rinsing the rice before cooking will remove excess starch, giving your rice grains a consistent consistency and preventing the rice cooker from boiling out. It also helps to clean away any dirt or pesticides that may have been left on the grain during the manufacturing process. Some rice is enriched, which means that it has been fortified with vitamins and minerals. If you rinse these types of rice before cooking it, these nutrients may dissolve into the water.

Measuring Method Using Your Knuckle

If you’re familiar with the way rice is cooked in an Asian household, then you should know that the standard method for measuring the correct amount of water only requires using (anyone’s) first knuckle of their index finger.

The knuckle method may work, but it does not give a precise measure for repeatable outcomes. There's always a possibility wherein this technique can give varied results and come out differently every time. You may also use this technique if you do not own rice measuring cup.

  • This technique works best if you rinse the rice before shaking it.
  • Place your index finger straight down onto the rice so that only its tip barely touches the top of the rice.
  • Add water until it reaches your first knuckle (approximately 1 inch).

Be careful when using this method since this does not give a very reliable measurement at all. Factors such as the size of the rice cooker, length of index fingers, etc. can affect the amount of water in your rice cooker.

Make sure to Adjust your rice-to-water ratio for Other Rice Type 

When you're trying to adjust a recipe for different kinds and quantities of rice, the variations become too complicated and the finger-length measurements get out of hand quickly.

Want to Explore Your Rice Cooker Options?

Here at Culinary Depot, you can explore different rice cooker options to spice up your food presentation!

Come visit our online store or contact us for more information.