How to Cut Green Onions Like a Pro

Mar 6th 2023 - Team

How to Cut Green Onions Like a Pro

Green onions are a staple ingredient in many dishes, from soups (as ramen garnish) and salads to stir-fries and meat dishes. In this guide, we'll show you step-by-step how to prepare and cut green onions like a pro to elevate your cooking game.

How to Cut Green Onions

Knowing how to cut green onions is an essential skill for any home cook. Properly preparing and slicing these versatile vegetables can make a big difference in the texture and flavor of your favorite dishes.

Here is the step guide on how to do them properly:

Step 1: Wash and Remove.

To begin, wash or rinse the stalks under cool water to ensure that any dirt or loose outer layers of the onions are removed. Pat them dry with a paper towel and remove any outer layers of the green onions that look bad or wilted.

Step 2: Cut the Ends of your Onions.

Next, lay the onion flat on your cutting board and slice off the white base of the bulb. This will help you separate the white roots from the green leaves and make it easier to cut into uniform pieces.

Use a large chef's knife such as a 7″ Chef's Knife and cut in circular motions to remove the root ends and the tough top part of the green end of the green onions.

Step 3: Slice in half, Cut green, and Mince the White.

Slice the onions in half separating the white part from the green part of the onions. Afterward, cut the green stems by thinly slicing them at a diagonal angle to create a uniform and even pieces.

Chop the whites of the onions similarly by placing the knife at a 45-degree angle or chop them the way you would with white onions.

Importance of knowing how to cut green onions

Mastering the art of cutting green onions can elevate your home cooking game and impress your dinner guests. So don't be afraid to get creative with these versatile veggies and experiment with new or favorite recipes!

The removal of the tough outer layer and separating the white bulbs from the entire bunch of green stalks can help you achieve just the right balance of mild onion flavor and fresh crunch. Whether you're making pasta dishes, stir-fries, or salads, green onions add a pop of color and zing that can take your cooking process to the next level.

Choosing the right green onions

Choosing the right green onions is essential for getting the best flavor and texture in your variety of dishes. Here are some tips when looking out for the best green onions.

  • Look for green stalks that are firm, with no signs of wilting outer leaves or yellowing. The white bulbs should be plump and free of any blemishes or soft spots.
  • When selecting green onions, choose those with a mild onion flavor if you plan to use them raw in salads or as a garnish.
    • For cooked dishes like pasta or stir-fries, the recipe calls for stronger-flavored varieties that can hold up well to heat.
  • Consider using affiliate links to find the best quality green onions from trusted sources online.

With these simple tips in mind, you'll be able to select the perfect green onions for all your culinary creations!

(See more: 32 Ways to Use Green Onions)

The Tools You Need

When it comes to cutting green onions, having the right tools can make all the difference in your cutting process. A sharp knife is essential for clean cuts and minimal damage to the onion's delicate structure.

A cutting board will help protect your countertop and provide a stable surface for chopping. If you're cutting large amounts of onions, a chef's knife may be more comfortable to use than a smaller paring knife.

To store your cut green onions, an airtight container will help keep them fresh longer. You can also place them in a glass as an alternative to an airtight container with a few inches of water and store them in the fridge for up to a week.

By having these basic tools on hand, you'll be able to efficiently chop your green onions and add them to all of your favorite green onion recipes

Sharp Knife

A sharp knife is essential when it comes to cutting green onions. Not only does it make the task easier, but it also ensures clean cuts and minimal damage to the onion's delicate structure.

A dull knife can crush and tear the onion, leading to uneven pieces and a less appealing presentation. Plus, it can be more dangerous as you may have to use more force to cut through the onion, increasing your risk of injury.

To keep your knife sharp, use a honing rod or sharpening stone regularly. A honing rod will realign the blade's edge while a sharpening stone will remove any nicks or chips.

Investing in a high-quality chef's knife is also worth considering. A well-made knife will last longer and make chopping tasks much more comfortable and efficient.

Best chef knife & cutting board

Listed here are some recommendations for chef knives well as cutting boards and the best knife sharpener:

  • 7″ Chef's Knife
  • 10″ Chef's Knife
  • 8″ Chef's Knife

Some of the most common cuts for green onions include the bias, julienne, or whole cuts.

Frequently Asked Questions

What part of a green onion do you cut off?

The entire scallion can be used for cooking and garnishes! Just be sure to cut off the roots of the onion.

Can you eat the white part of the green onion?

Yes, you may eat the wh white part of a green onion is a little more bitter than the green part and is commonly used for sauté and cooking.

Why do we regrow green onions?

We regrow green onions to save money and at the same time, save time. This is because you will have access to a continuous source of recipe ingredients or garnishes when you need onions

Furthermore, you will be able to reduce waste given that you would never need to throw out a half-used bunch of green onions that you forgot in the fridge.